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Copyright © 1981 American Telephone and Telegraph Company 

The Bell System Technical Journal 

Vol. 60, No. 9, November 1981 

Printed in U.S.A. 

Detecting the Occurrence of an Event by FM 
Through Noise 


(Manuscript received March 26, 1981) 

The occurrence of an event at a random time r is signaled through 
white noise by an fm signal whose modulation h(t — r) is a causal 
pulse triggered at r. Nonlinear filtering is used to find exact expres- 
sions for the chance that t > t, and the expectation of r, each 
conditioned on the observed noisy fm signal over (0, t). The former 
quantity can be used to minimize the probability of error in guess- 
ing — from the observations over (0, t) — whether t has occurred by t. 


The theory of frequency modulation has always been beset by 
analytical difficulties, and nowhere have these been more in evidence 
than in the area of optimal demodulation of noisy fm signals. Recent 
advances in nonlinear filtering, however, make it possible to solve 
certain problems of detection and estimation quite explicitly. We 
report on such a class of problems here. 

The basic problem setup is this: an event of interest occurs at a 
random time t. Its occurrence is signaled by sending a pulse of shape 
/*(•), starting at t; that is, we send 

,, x (o t<r 

S{t) = {h(t-r) t>r> 

where h(-) is some causal, integrable pulse. The signal s(t) is trans- 
mitted by fm; the waveform is 


+ ut+ s(u)du 

for a carrier frequency to and initial phase 6. In transmission this wave 
suffers the degradation of having white noise added to it; thus, we 
observe a signal y, defined by 


dy, = cos 

+ cot+ \ s(u)du 


dt + dbi , 

with b t a Brownian motion independent of t. We would like to construct 
a nonlinear filter acting causally on y, to estimate optimally at each 
time t whether t < t or not, and if so, by how much. This filter will be 
obtained by solving the nonlinear filtering problem of determining the 
conditional probability 

p (t) =P{t>*|v s ,0<s<O 
and the conditional density (u = distance back from t to t) 
Pi (t, u) = P{red(t - tt)|*, < s<S *}, < u < t . 

Such a filter (po, Pi) represents a summary, without loss, of all the 
information in the "past" a{ v s , < s < £} that is relevant to whether 
t occurred by time t, and if so, how far back. In particular, the filter 
(Po, p\) yields least-squares estimates of t, by integration over u, 
according to the formula 

. uf(u)du 
E{r\y,,0<s<t} =p (t) \_ F(t) + (t - u)pi(t t u)dtt , 

where F is the a priori distribution of t, and /" = F' its density. The 
first term predicts where t will be, on the average, when it has not yet 
occurred by t, the second "postdicts" t when it has already happened 
by time t. Indeed, the first term is E{rl T>t \ y Si < s < t) and the second 
isE{rl T ^\y s ,0<s^t). 


Let x t be the process 1 T <, so that 

(0 if the event has not occurred by time t. 
1 if the event occurred by time t. 

Then with X t = Jo x s ds, the signal s(t) can be written as 

s(0 = h(t- s)dx x = < Q t<j 

and the fm signal as 

cos[0 + cot + H(X t )] , 

where H = /o h(s)ds. 


Our approach is Bayesian: foreknowledge of distr {t} is used to 
calculate the conditional probabilities p () and pi. We assume for sim- 


plicity, and with only slight loss of generality, that t has a known a 
priori distribution F with a differentiable density /. The "rate" at 
which t is occurring during (t, t + h), given that it has not yet 
happened, is just 

We assume at first that the phase 6 is known at the receiver. Then, the 
filtering or Zakai equations for unnormalized versions p () and p\ of p 
andpi, respectively, are just 

dpo = \(t)p dt + cos(8 + ut)p dyt , 


dp\ = h cos[0 + ut + H(u)]pidy, , 


with initial conditions po(0) = 1, 

lim pi(t, u)du = 


and boundary condition p\(t, 0) = po(t)\(t). 

It can be seen that since the process x t is transient in character these 
equations are coupled in one direction only: pi depends on p via the 
boundary condition, but p in no way depends on pi. Thus, it will be 
possible to solve for po first, and then for pi. We first transform the 
problem into one without stochastic differentials. This is done by the 
now familiar device 1 of looking for a solution of the form 

po(t) = exp[;y,cos(0 + wt)]q (t) 

pi(t, u) =exp{.y,cos[0 + ut + H(u)])q x (t, u), 0< t<u, 

where q and q\ are differentiable functions, though not necessarily 
C l . This form for p and p } indicates that the rough or martingale 
dependence of these functions on y( • ) is confined to the exponent as 
shown, while their dependence on y(-) via qo and <7i is of a much 
smoother integrated form, as will be seen. 

Applying Ito's formula to the postulated form, with quadratic vari- 
ation d{y)i = dt since the observation process is a translation of the 
Wiener process, we find these nonstochastic pdes for q and q\\ 

qo = qoi -Mt) + uyfiin(6 + at) - - cos 2 (0 + at) j, q (0) = 1 

— = - — + qx (y,[u + h(u)]sin[6 + u>t + H(u)] 
dt du \ 

- - cos 2 [6 + ut + H{u)]Y < u < t. 


The boundary condition is 

qi(t,Q) = qo(t)\(t). 

The first equation is an ode solvable as 

q (t)=expl- X(s)ds+ [cov s sin(0 + cos) -- cos 2 (0 + cos)]ds J 

= [1 - F(0]exp( [uysinid + cos) - - cos 2 (0 + cos)]tfs J . 
The second is a first-order pde solvable by characteristics as 

qi (t, u) = A(t - u)expl {cov s sin[0 + cos + His - t + u)] 

- - cos 2 [0 + cos + H(s - t + u)] 

+ yMs - t + u)sin[0 + cos + H(s - t + u)])ds J, 

where A(-) is an arbitrary function. To obtain A we let u[0, and we 
use h(s - t + u) = and H{s - t + u) = for s < t - u to find 




q x (t, 0) = i4(£)expl [> s cosin(0 + cos) - - cos (0 + cos)]cfe I, 

= qo(t)X(t), 
by the boundary condition. Thus, A{t) = f(t), and we obtain 

qi(t, u) = fit - «)exp( [co.y s sin(0 + cos) - - cos 2 (0 + cos)]rfs 




+ h{s - t + u)]yssin[6 + cos + His - t + u)] 

- - cos 2 ([0 + cos + His - t + u)])ds). 

We remark that this is the unconditional density fit - u) that t 
occur at t - u, multiplied by a positive factor depending on the pulse 
shape h and the observation [y s , < 8 £ t). The cos 2 integral can be 
evaluated explicitly, leading to some simplification, and to approximate 
formulas for large carrier frequencies. 2 

The normalization 

Poit) + Piit, u)du = \ 


is achieved by dividing each of p and pi by 

po(t) + p\(t, u)du, 


po(t) = [1 - F(t)]expl y,cos(0 + ut) + [coy s sin(0 + us) 

- -cos 2 (0 + us)]ds 

p x (t, u) = f(t- u)exp 

y,cos[6 + ut + H(u)~\ 

["" 1 

+ [coy,sin(0 + us) - - cos 2 (0 + us)]ds 

Jo 2 

[u + h{s - t + u)]yssin[0 + us + H(s - t + u)] 



- - cos 2 [0 + us + H{s -t+u)] \ds 

If, as is likely, the phase 6 is not known at the receiver, then it must 
be integrated out in both p and pi prior to normalization, a process 
that mars the relatively neat formulas obtained for p and pi for 9 
known. With uniform over (—it, it) and independent of t, familiar 
Bessel function approximations again arise. 2 


In the kind of system under study here, a task of primary interest is 
to guess at t whether t has happened yet. Such a guess is represented 
mathematically by a random process v,, taking the value 1 for a 
decision that t has not occurred, and a value for a decision that it 
has, and adapted to the past observations p{y s , < s < t). The 
probability of error is just 

P{r<t&. v, = 1} + P{t > t & m = 0}, 
which can be written as 

E1 T>I (1 - v,) + EVt(l - l T>/ ) 
= El T>l - 2El T>l Vt + Evt 
= £(1 T >, - v,) 2 , 
the mean square error in approximating 1 T> , by v,. Thus, the chance of 



error is the least if v t is chosen to minimize this mean square error. 
Noting that p (t) = £{l T >,|:y s , < s < t), we can write this mean 
square error as 

E{p (t) - 2p (t)v t + vt) 
and conclude that a niinimizing v t is 

v(t) = 

if Pott) < 2' 

It follows that by watching p ( • ) we can make a best guess as to 
whether t has occurred yet or not, best in the sense of minimizing the 
chance of being wrong. 


As we observe the signal y t , we may be interested in predicting t on 
the basis of the information seen so far. More precisely, since it is 
possible that at t > t has already occurred, we want to simultaneously 
predict and "postdict" t by calculating the two terms in 

r = E{T\y s , 0<s<*} 

= E{Tl T>t \y a , < s < t) + E{rl^,\y a , < s < t). 

The second term is clearly given in terms of pi by 

(t - u)pi(t, u)du, {u = distance back to t from t) . 


We claim that the first is just 


Mt) \-F{t) • 
For with o{y 8 , < s < t) = Y for short, we have 

£{t1 t >, I vo} = £{t1 t >, I y'ovr > t) | vo} 

= E{E{r\y l VT > t}l T> t\yo) 
= E{E(T\T>t)l T>l \y' ) 

= P0 (t)E{T\T>t) 

since the additional v s information in Y U t >t is irrelevant to t when 
it is known that t > t. That is, since x, = 1 T >, is a Markov process, all 


the information a{* g , y a , < s < t) is irrelevant to {x u , u > t) when it 
is known that x t = 1, i.e., t > ^. 


1. B. L. Rozovsky, "Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Arising in Nonlinear 

Filtering Problems," Uspekhi Matem. Nauk, 27 (1972), pp. 213-4. 

2. V. E. Benes, "Least Squares Estimator for Frequency-Shift Position Modulation in 

White Noise," B.S.T.J., 59, No. 7 (September 1970), pp. 1289-96.